I came across an annoying issue with EPiServer media management related to versioning in EPiServer CMS from version 10 .0.1 onward.
Versioning in EPiserver for media content is supported and is a great feature. In CMS version 10 & 10.1 unfortunately due to a bug, the media items become inaccessible if republished the older version of the content.
Here is the scenario to reproduce this problem
1- Upload a pdf or image file in media folder though EPiServer CMS edit.
2- Upload another version of the file, the EPiServer ask to Replace file or Skip .. choose to replace.
3- Now you can access the new version of the file. (So far so good)
4- Go back to/ select old version of the file and republish it.
5- the file is inaccessible.
As shown in the screenshot below taken from CMS version 10, the download option is disappeared and in 10.0.1 the download option becomes grayed out.
No matter what I do now, I can't bring the links and versions back to life unless I upload the file with different name.
As shown in the screenshot below the physical files exists in the Assets folder and I can open them without any problem.
I tested the above scenario on EPiServer CMS 9.1 and 9.7 sites and it works perfectly. So I came to the conclusion that it’s a bug in EPiServer CMS 10 and I reported to EPiServer support.
Episerver Support provided me with the following SQL script for the bug fix and it's been later fixed in the next released version of EPiServer. As always it is recommended to make a backup of the database before applying any scripts.
or you can download the SQL script here
Versioning in EPiserver for media content is supported and is a great feature. In CMS version 10 & 10.1 unfortunately due to a bug, the media items become inaccessible if republished the older version of the content.
Here is the scenario to reproduce this problem
1- Upload a pdf or image file in media folder though EPiServer CMS edit.
2- Upload another version of the file, the EPiServer ask to Replace file or Skip .. choose to replace.
3- Now you can access the new version of the file. (So far so good)
4- Go back to/ select old version of the file and republish it.
5- the file is inaccessible.
As shown in the screenshot below taken from CMS version 10, the download option is disappeared and in 10.0.1 the download option becomes grayed out.
No matter what I do now, I can't bring the links and versions back to life unless I upload the file with different name.
As shown in the screenshot below the physical files exists in the Assets folder and I can open them without any problem.
I tested the above scenario on EPiServer CMS 9.1 and 9.7 sites and it works perfectly. So I came to the conclusion that it’s a bug in EPiServer CMS 10 and I reported to EPiServer support.
Episerver Support provided me with the following SQL script for the bug fix and it's been later fixed in the next released version of EPiServer. As always it is recommended to make a backup of the database before applying any scripts.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[editCreateContentVersion] ( @ContentID INT, @WorkContentID INT, @UserName NVARCHAR(255), @MaxVersions INT = NULL, @SavedDate DATETIME, @LanguageBranch NCHAR(17) ) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON SET XACT_ABORT ON DECLARE @NewWorkContentID INT DECLARE @DeleteWorkContentID INT DECLARE @ObsoleteVersions INT DECLARE @retval INT DECLARE @IsMasterLang BIT DECLARE @LangBranchID INT SELECT @LangBranchID = pkID FROM tblLanguageBranch WHERE LanguageID=@LanguageBranch IF @LangBranchID IS NULL BEGIN RAISERROR (N'editCreateContentVersion: LanguageBranchID is null, possibly empty table tblLanguageBranch', 16, 1, @WorkContentID) RETURN 0 END IF (@WorkContentID IS NULL OR @WorkContentID=0 ) BEGIN /* If we have a published version use it, else the latest saved version */ IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM tblContentLanguage WHERE Status = 4 AND fkContentID=@ContentID AND fkLanguageBranchID=@LangBranchID) SELECT @WorkContentID=[Version] FROM tblContentLanguage WHERE fkContentID=@ContentID AND fkLanguageBranchID=@LangBranchID ELSE SELECT TOP 1 @WorkContentID=pkID FROM tblWorkContent WHERE fkContentID=@ContentID AND fkLanguageBranchID=@LangBranchID ORDER BY Saved DESC END IF EXISTS( SELECT * FROM tblContent WHERE pkID=@ContentID AND fkMasterLanguageBranchID IS NULL ) UPDATE tblContent SET fkMasterLanguageBranchID=@LangBranchID WHERE pkID=@ContentID SELECT @IsMasterLang = CASE WHEN @LangBranchID=fkMasterLanguageBranchID THEN 1 ELSE 0 END FROM tblContent WHERE pkID=@ContentID /* Create a new version of this content */ INSERT INTO tblWorkContent (fkContentID, fkMasterVersionID, ChangedByName, ContentLinkGUID, fkFrameID, ArchiveContentGUID, Name, LinkURL, ExternalURL, VisibleInMenu, LinkType, Created, Saved, StartPublish, StopPublish, ChildOrderRule, PeerOrder, fkLanguageBranchID, URLSegment, ThumbnailUri, BlobUri) SELECT fkContentID, @WorkContentID, @UserName, ContentLinkGUID, fkFrameID, ArchiveContentGUID, Name, LinkURL, ExternalURL, VisibleInMenu, LinkType, Created, @SavedDate, StartPublish, StopPublish, ChildOrderRule, PeerOrder, @LangBranchID, URLSegment, ThumbnailUri, BlobUri FROM tblWorkContent WHERE pkID=@WorkContentID IF (@@ROWCOUNT = 1) BEGIN /* Remember version number */ SET @NewWorkContentID= SCOPE_IDENTITY() /* Copy all properties as well */ INSERT INTO tblWorkContentProperty (fkPropertyDefinitionID, fkWorkContentID, ScopeName, Boolean, Number, FloatNumber, ContentType, ContentLink, Date, String, LongString, LinkGuid) SELECT fkPropertyDefinitionID, @NewWorkContentID, ScopeName, Boolean, Number, FloatNumber, ContentType, ContentLink, Date, String, LongString, LinkGuid FROM tblWorkContentProperty INNER JOIN tblPropertyDefinition ON tblPropertyDefinition.pkID=tblWorkContentProperty.fkPropertyDefinitionID WHERE fkWorkContentID=@WorkContentID AND (tblPropertyDefinition.LanguageSpecific>2 OR @IsMasterLang=1)--Only lang specific on non-master /* Finally take care of categories */ INSERT INTO tblWorkContentCategory (fkWorkContentID, fkCategoryID, CategoryType, ScopeName) SELECT @NewWorkContentID, fkCategoryID, CategoryType, ScopeName FROM tblWorkContentCategory WHERE fkWorkContentID=@WorkContentID AND (CategoryType<>0 OR @IsMasterLang=1)--No content category on languages END ELSE BEGIN /* We did not have anything corresponding to the WorkContentID, create new work content from tblContent */ INSERT INTO tblWorkContent (fkContentID, ChangedByName, ContentLinkGUID, fkFrameID, ArchiveContentGUID, Name, LinkURL, ExternalURL, VisibleInMenu, LinkType, Created, Saved, StartPublish, StopPublish, ChildOrderRule, PeerOrder, fkLanguageBranchID, URLSegment, ThumbnailUri, BlobUri) SELECT @ContentID, COALESCE(@UserName, tblContentLanguage.CreatorName), tblContentLanguage.ContentLinkGUID, tblContentLanguage.fkFrameID, tblContent.ArchiveContentGUID, tblContentLanguage.Name, tblContentLanguage.LinkURL, tblContentLanguage.ExternalURL, tblContent.VisibleInMenu, CASE tblContentLanguage.AutomaticLink WHEN 1 THEN (CASE WHEN tblContentLanguage.ContentLinkGUID IS NULL THEN 0 /* EPnLinkNormal */ WHEN tblContentLanguage.FetchData=1 THEN 4 /* EPnLinkFetchdata */ ELSE 1 /* EPnLinkShortcut */ END) ELSE (CASE WHEN tblContentLanguage.LinkURL=N'#' THEN 3 /* EPnLinkInactive */ ELSE 2 /* EPnLinkExternal */ END) END AS LinkType , tblContentLanguage.Created, @SavedDate, tblContentLanguage.StartPublish, tblContentLanguage.StopPublish, tblContent.ChildOrderRule, tblContent.PeerOrder, @LangBranchID, tblContentLanguage.URLSegment, ThumbnailUri, BlobUri FROM tblContentLanguage INNER JOIN tblContent ON tblContent.pkID=tblContentLanguage.fkContentID WHERE tblContentLanguage.fkContentID=@ContentID AND tblContentLanguage.fkLanguageBranchID=@LangBranchID IF (@@ROWCOUNT = 1) BEGIN /* Remember version number */ SET @NewWorkContentID= SCOPE_IDENTITY() /* Copy all non-dynamic properties as well */ INSERT INTO tblWorkContentProperty (fkPropertyDefinitionID, fkWorkContentID, ScopeName, Boolean, Number, FloatNumber, ContentType, ContentLink, Date, String, LongString, LinkGuid) SELECT P.fkPropertyDefinitionID, @NewWorkContentID, P.ScopeName, P.Boolean, P.Number, P.FloatNumber, P.ContentType, P.ContentLink, P.Date, P.String, P.LongString, P.LinkGuid FROM tblContentProperty AS P INNER JOIN tblPropertyDefinition AS PD ON P.fkPropertyDefinitionID=PD.pkID WHERE P.fkContentID=@ContentID AND (PD.fkContentTypeID IS NOT NULL) AND P.fkLanguageBranchID = @LangBranchID AND (PD.LanguageSpecific>2 OR @IsMasterLang=1)--Only lang specific on non-master /* Finally take care of categories */ INSERT INTO tblWorkContentCategory (fkWorkContentID, fkCategoryID, CategoryType) SELECT DISTINCT @NewWorkContentID, fkCategoryID, CategoryType FROM tblContentCategory LEFT JOIN tblPropertyDefinition AS PD ON tblContentCategory.CategoryType = PD.pkID WHERE tblContentCategory.fkContentID=@ContentID AND (PD.fkContentTypeID IS NOT NULL OR tblContentCategory.CategoryType = 0) --Not dynamic properties AND (PD.LanguageSpecific=1 OR @IsMasterLang=1) --No content category on languages END ELSE BEGIN RAISERROR (N'Failed to create new version for content %d', 16, 1, @ContentID) RETURN 0 END END /*If there is no version set for tblContentLanguage set it to this version*/ UPDATE tblContentLanguage SET Version = @NewWorkContentID WHERE fkContentID = @ContentID AND fkLanguageBranchID = @LangBranchID AND Version IS NULL RETURN @NewWorkContentID END
or you can download the SQL script here
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